Industry - Construction Materials

Moon's factory of Cement Products

Aesthetic solutions for the infrastructure of cities - Sidewalks beautiful and easy to install easily. Interlock ground in more than 40 templates with different thicknesses, which add an aesthetic touch for citied.. Approved by the secretariats and specialized laboratories.

Moon's factory for Cement products produces more than 40 product and designed template for tile houses (broken marble),floors, interlock for sidewalks and edgings. The factory produces the normal and isolated steamed bricks, and concrete templates in various kinds. The company invests in the european technology for high production of building materials by 4000 meters squares daily production of floor tiles and interlock, 3 Km of boarders daily, 30 thousand brick every day. The factory is directed by an professional administation that does not put the high production rate its first priority but the quality and customers satisfaction its first concerns.